When browsing through an array of natural oils, there are two you are highly likely to come across – hemp and CBD oil. If you are completely unfamiliar with them or you do not know much about the two, it might be easy to think they are the same thing since the terms are quite often used interchangeably. However, they are different products, so here are some things to know that will help you understand their differences.
It is important to mention that Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica are the two genera of the cannabis plant. The hemp plant is a strain of the Cannabis sativa species. As such, the plant has low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and higher concentrations of cannabidiol. Both oils derive from the hemp plant, but come in different forms and have a variety of different uses.
Hemp Oil

The oil is extracted from hemp seeds, meaning it has little to no cannabidiol and no THC at all. It is used in a wide range of commercial and industrial products, such as clothing, rope, textiles, insulation, bio-fuel, and paper. The oil can also be found in certain body lotions, soaps, and shampoos.
It can be used for skin hydration and for keeping your hair and nails strong and healthy. The fatty acids it contains such as omega-3 and omega-6 provide numerous health benefits, especially ones that improve the health of one’s heart because they can lower cholesterol levels and diminish the signs of aging due to increasing the skin’s elasticity. According to experts from Kyro, hemp seeds can be eaten raw or made into a liquid that is used for baking or beverages. The oil is also high in protein, several minerals, and vitamin E.

Although it derives from the hemp plant, the oil is extracted from the flowers, stems, and stalks of it. Unlike THC, it is not psychoactive, meaning it does not cause the effect of feeling euphoric or ‘high’. Instead, it has anti-inflammatory benefits and can help soothe muscle aches and relieve chronic pain conditions. It is also found that CBD can be an effective treatment for many anxiety disorders and can help relieve stress.
Besides oil, it can come in other forms, some of which are edible, others that can be smoked, and can also come in the form of a cream or rub.
The Main Differences

1. Cannabidiol Levels
Oil extracted from hemp seeds usually contains no cannabidiol. CBD oils have higher levels of cannabidiol and only trace amounts of THC. They are usually extracted from hemp cultivated specifically to contain higher amounts of CBD.
2. Usage
Although they are derived from the same plant, they interact with the body differently. As mentioned above, while hemp oil helps the body function at its best, people use CBD for the beneficial effects of the cannabinoids.
3. Extraction
Besides being extracted from different parts, hemp oil is easier to extract than CBD oil. The process requires cold-pressing the seeds after which the resulting liquid is filtered to get rid of sediment. CBD oil is extracted from the plant and then diluted with carrier oils, meaning the final product isn’t just the plant extract.
4. Appearance
Hemp oil has a distinctive dark green color, as opposed to CBD which is more golden brown.
They are legal as long as they derive from the hemp plant and can both offer numerous benefits to the body, although in different ways. There are a lot of variations to choose from, so do your research before buying to fully enjoy the benefits.