With the popularization of CBD oil, many people started mixing up the terms and being confused altogether. It is important to stress that there are differences between CBD oil and cannabis. Their effects and side-effects differ, so it is necessary to fully understand it before you start consuming them. Not only that, but the regulations concerning its use also differ greatly, making it very important to get familiar with everything before you start consuming CBD products or medical marijuana.
What is cannabis?

Known as marijuana, cannabis derives from the cannabis plant (Cannabis Sativa). Cannabis sativa has more than 400 compounds, the most important of them all is cannabidiol that we all know as CBD, and tetrahydrocannabinol, known as THC.
There are many ways that cannabis can be consumed. The most usual one is smoking, and because of the THC in it, it causes the effect of being “high.” Also, it is possible to feel hallucinogenic effects when consumed too much. However, many patients use it as a medicine since it can help soothe nausea, epilepsy, and help patients cope with pain and glaucoma. This is the reason why numerous states have legalized marijuana. Before consuming it, it is necessary to check the laws in your state to make sure it is legal.
Marijuana used in medical purposes has numerous benefits, especially concerning these conditions:
– Nausea
– Nerve pain
– Glaucoma
There are also some side-effects that you should be aware of, such as vomiting, dizziness, problems with concentration, drowsiness, balance, and memory. It is necessary to be aware of all the pros and cons before you start using it. Depending on your condition, assess all the available information by yourself, but also make sure you ask an expert concerning the best choice in your particular case.
CBD products

CBD is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. CBD has numerous beneficial effects on human health without the effect of being “high.” It is very beneficial for helping people deal with numerous symptoms concerning various health conditions. The popularity of CBD products keeps rising because people around the world have already felt all the benefits, and the number of users grows by the day. The fact that there are many types of products on the market makes it easier to consume. You can choose between tinctures, oils, lotions, creams, pills, capsules, edibles, and oil for vaping. The product you’ll choose depends on your personal preferences and the reason you want to consume it in the first place. It is also necessary to be fully aware of the side-effects of using CBD oil, which is: drowsiness, low blood pressure, crankiness, lightheadedness, tiredness, upset stomach, diarrhea, and nausea.
Topicals are the best choice when it comes to treating conditions such as psoriasis, arthritis or eczema, while edibles are great for people who want to feel overall improvements in the response of their immune system and consume it very discreetly. Vaping, on the other hand, is a great choice for people who like to enjoy it in the form of a daily relaxing ritual.
The main differences between CBD and Cannabis

The key differences, according to purerelief.com are that their “personalities” are different. Their properties vary, and even though their chemical compound is the same, the atoms are arranged differently. Pure CBD oil does not contain THC or contains a very small percentage, which depends on the regulation of the state where it is manufactured.
In most cases, people confuse hemp and marijuana, but the truth is that they very much differ. Both are cannabis varieties, but their uses and properties are not the same. While marijuana contains low levels of CBD and moderate THC amounts, hemp contains just the THC traces and lots of CBD. CBD does not have a psychoactive effect because it does not contain THC, or it contains too little to have any effect, while cannabis contains THC and therefore has a psychoactive effect. The main difference is in the way they affect the nervous system of humans. While CBD affects it as a medication would, THC impacts our physical symptoms and the way we behave.
There is also a difference in the way these plants are grown. While help is, in most cases, grown and cared for as an agricultural model, marijuana doesn’t require any specific conditions. This also means that people who grow hemp can apply for the various federal program for making their endeavor easier, growing marijuana, on the other hand, would not be eligible for those types of programs, since it is still considered to be a drug. Considering that there are numerous benefits of the hemp plant and the numerous ways of using it for various purposes, more and more people devote their time to grow hemp and invest in developing new products for the market.
As mentioned before, the legal status of marijuana and CBD oil is quite different. While CBD oil is considered to be legal, and its status is at the same level as using supplements, marijuana is a controlled substance, which means that it is prohibited by the law in some states. The laws defer largely between states because there have been great changes lately, and huge efforts have been made to enable a large number of users to feel the beneficial effects of marijuana. There is still a lot to be done in this area, but at least it is progressing slowly but steadily. If you are not sure about the legal status of marijuana in your state, before any consumption, make sure you get fully familiar with the regulations.
We hope we helped you understand better the key differences between CBD oil and cannabis. It is very easy to confuse the terms, especially for people who are not fully familiar with chemical compounds and the ways these compounds behave. Depending on your condition and the symptoms you want to treat, it is important to access all the benefits you could gain from using these products, consult with your doctor and make a decision based on your health condition.