A good night’s rest is an important part of every day; without it, you won’t function at your peak. There are many ways that you can prepare your body for a healthy sleep each night. By implementing a few simple strategies, you can help yourself enjoy a better rest every night.
You can say goodbye to harsh sleep aids that leave you feeling tired and groggy in the morning; just change your habits with these simple strategies and you can reset your sleep cycle in a matter of days. Getting enough sleep each night will have a tremendous impact on your overall health and well you function at work, school, and every other activity in your life.
1. Limit Screen Time Before Bed

This is an important habit to live by but it can also be difficult to get started. The blue light of our device screens stimulates our brains to keep us wakeful, so screen time should be limited well in advance of bedtime so natural relaxation begins to take place. Unwind with a book or some other activity that doesn’t involve a screen.
2. Don’t Bring Your Phone to Bed
Try to leave your phone in a different room altogether. Just knowing that a phone call or text message could wake you up at any time can prime awareness for wakefulness; this makes relaxing harder than it has to be. Avoid anxiety by not bringing your phone into the bedroom at all.
3. Avoid Caffeine After 3 PM
If you have a caffeinated drink at 3 PM, you will still be feeling the effects 6 – 8 hours later. This means when you are trying to fall asleep at 9 or 10 PM, you’re working against the chemical effects of that particular drink. Caffeine is a great part of a morning and it is probably a necessary part of getting you going for the rest of the day, but leave it for the first half of your schedule. If possible, try to monitor your caffeine intake in general; you might be surprised at how good you feel.
4. Play Calming Music

You will need to find a traditional music player for this suggestion – don’t reach for your phone! Create a playlist of ambient, tonal, instrumental, or calm soundtrack music that you personally find relaxing, and cue that up as you get ready for bed. Let that play as you unwind for the day; if you like, you can put the music on a timer so it shuts off at a certain point as you fall asleep. Many people enjoy falling asleep to natural sounds that are set to music. These are good alternatives to consider if you find music on its own too distracting.
5. Use CBD Products
There are many natural CBD products available today, and you can find a wide range addressing sleep concerns in particular. These are a good way to gently relax and unwind after a long day; tinctures, gummies, infusions, and other products can help you prepare your body and mind for sleep. CBD products utilize botanical compounds found in the hemp plant for targeted outcomes such as relaxation, pain relief, improved sleep, and general well-being. Products with different strengths and concentrations are available to help people achieve their desired outcomes.
6. Add a Weighted Blanket to Your Bed
You may have seen weighted blankets mentioned on your favorite social media feed. Many people have used weighted blankets to enhance feelings of relaxation and promote better, deeper sleep. These blankets are specially made with added layers of heavy, insulating material to create a heightened experience of coziness when used. Weighted blankets are great in the fall and winter when temperatures drop. If a cold bedroom or twisting blankets tend to disrupt your sleep, consider adding a weighted blanket to your bed.
7. Try a Sound Machine

Sound machines are an appealing alternative to listening to music. Some people find music distracting when they’re trying to sleep; sudden changes in tempo and tone can jar them out of that delicate relaxed state. Sound machines do something different. Instead of playing a track that can become easily memorized, randomized ambient sound is created. These sounds may evoke natural themes such as rainfall, distant thunder, or waves on a beach, or various whooshing “white noise” tones may be created. Sound machines can be very helpful to people who are easily disturbed by the sounds of a house or city.
8. Invest in Blackout Curtains
Your bedroom may contain more environmental light than you realize. Too much light can disrupt you at any point in the sleep cycle. Create a darkened space that is perfect for sleep by adding blackout curtains to the windows in your bedroom. Blackout curtains can require a bit of upfront investment, but once they are hung, you will be paid back in nights of improved sleep. In fact, you may be surprised at how much light was actually entering your room in the first place. If you’re working with a limited budget, consier hanging up dark blankets or fabric yourself over your window to block out the natural light.
9. Take a Warm Shower or Bath
The traditional suggestion of taking a warm bath or shower before bed is still one of the most helpful ways of preparing for a good night’s rest. This is a chance to relax the muscles and let tension flow away. Mental stress also starts to unwind so you aren’t carrying the worries of the day with you into the bedroom. By taking a warm shower, you begin to put the day away. Finally, you can start to rest; your cares will sink away with the water.

Make Good Sleep a Habit
If you struggle with good sleep habits, you aren’t alone. Many people are looking for ways to improve their nightly rest and to feel more energy each morning. Although there can be medical reasons why sleep is difficult, sleep difficulties can be improved by changing a few habits about our daily routines. Try implementing some of these nine simple strategies and see how quickly your sleep quality improves.