Sleep is an enjoyable and free thing to do. The lack of it may lead to a variety of health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or even depression. For your body to function properly, it’s recommended that you sleep for at least seven to nine hours per night. But for some reason, people don’t get enough quality sleep.
There are a number of products used to help people achieve quality sleep. Researchers have come up with various remedies such as over-the-counter sleeping pills, and even injections in extreme cases.
There are also cannabidiol (CBD) products in the market that are believed to aid in achieving quality sleep. Here’s a list of some CBD products that may help you sleep better:
Creams And Lotions

Creams and lotions are topical products. You can apply them directly to your skin by massaging them on your temples, shoulders, or neck. Some people may feel the effects immediately, while others may not notice any drowsiness until several hours. When shopping for a CBD cream or lotion, you might need to consider your skin type as it relies heavily on the ability of your skin to absorb it.
If interested in these kinds of products, check out reliable online shops such as Betoken CBD where you can get them from. Moreover, creams and lotions may be used to treat skin conditions such as acne by applying them directly to the affected areas. They’re also known to relieve pain by rubbing the product on the sore body part.
Oils And Tinctures

These products are specifically made to promote and aid in quality sleep. For maximum efficacy, you should administer these CBD products sublingually as oils and tinctures are believed to be powerful sedatives that give faster results when placed under the tongue.
This may work as a shortcut to digestion. You leave it to sit under your tongue for at least 30 seconds or distribute the rest to your inner cheeks using your tongue. CBD oils are believed to be better than edibles when it comes to getting instant better sleep results.
However, CBD oils and tinctures may also have side effects such as changes in appetite, anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting.
Edible Products

Ingesting CBD products to help you with your sleep is an enjoyable way to use CBD. You may swallow them directly or add them to your food or drink.
These edibles come in different forms such as gummies, baked goods, candies, chocolates, pastries, drinks such as teas, and many more. They also come in savory flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, strawberries, among others. You may choose whichever flavor tickles your taste buds.
However, they may take longer to work because they have to travel to the digestive system first, but it varies from one person to another, depending on their body weight, metabolism, or even gender. Nonetheless, the CBD content tend to stay longer in your body if you consume edibles.

This is a simple way of consuming CBD products. CBD oils or e-liquids are administered through the use of vaporizers or vape pens. These vape pens have cartridges where the CBD vape juice is mixed with carrier liquids. Once it heats up, CBD components become activated, producing vapor. To use this, inhale through the mouthpiece, hold the vapor in, then breathe out. The effect of this may be very fast because the CBD component goes through your lungs, then into your bloodstream.
Most people are usually very concerned about whether or not CBD vapes can make you high. The answer is no, vaping CBD won’t make you high unless it has THC levels derived from marijuana. THC is the psychoactive component that makes one feel different and high. When looking for CBD vaporizers, make sure you get THC-free CBD e-liquids to avoid that side effect.
While some people say that smoking CBD products might expose users to carcinogens because they’re heated just below the point of combustion, others believe that vaping CBD prevents exposure.
Vaporizers may come in different flavors such as lavender, citrus, blueberry, watermelon, or mango, among others, or may be flavorless.
Softgels And Capsules

CBD capsules or softgels are like orally ingested medicines, which go through your digestive system. A softgel is made from mixed gelatin and sorbitol or glycerin, whereas a capsule is a container that may contain liquid, powder, or jelly inside.
If you can’t stand some tastes from ingested tinctures, softgels and capsules are great options. They’re easier to bring anywhere as they’re stored in small bottles, and they can be consumed faster. However, they might take more time to work than those tinctures that are placed under the tongue. This is because their contents need more time to break down in your digestive tract; this is known as the first-pass effect.
Softgels and capsules designed for people who struggle with sleep are made with a blend of other ingredients such as ethynide and gelatin. These pills may also be used in the treatment of mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and many more. To store these CBD products, you may place them in the fridge.
In conclusion, in case you experience sleep difficulties, you might want to try out the above-listed products. CBD products are still new in the medical industry and more research is still being conducted on their viability. However, they’re believed to work with health issues such as epilepsy, high blood pressure, glaucoma, and many more. It’s also good to understand whether CBD products are legal in your state or region because not all cannabidiol products are allowed by federal and state laws. In fact, the only medically prescribed cannabidiol product is Epidiolex.
If you have uncertainties regarding the use of these products, you may consider seeking medical advice on which particular one might work best for you. Furthermore, if you’re taking other maintenance medications, you’ll need to contact your doctor first since it’s believed that CBD products may react with other medications such as antibiotics.