Cannabis CBD and MCT Oil in Tinctures – Why are they a common ingredient together?
If you are a CBD enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of MCT oil at some point. It’s easy to be a fan of CBD products with everything they can do for you, but what about MCT oil? You may be wondering why it is typically used together with CBD oil tinctures and what does it bring to the table when it comes to your wellbeing.
CBD, as well as MCT oil both, have shown great results for people that supplement them together daily. In this article, we will cover some basics of MCT, and why we believe it’s a perfect addition to CBD tinctures.
Benefits of CBD

Even the opponents of the legalization of cannabis for both medical and recreational use have little to no issue with CBD. CBD can be extracted from industrial hemp or cannabis that has untraceable amounts of THC.
THC is the compound in cannabis that gets a consumer high which is not present in CBD. CBD has been studied with the benefits of being staggering for a variety of ailments and conditions. For those people that suffer from anxiety, it can be damaging long-term to take medications like Xanax or Klonopin.
The fact that these medications require a detox period which can be dangerous when coming off of the chemical compound is more than alarming. CBD helps with anxiety-related conditions as it can help the cells maintain homeostasis.
CBD can be used to help combat joint pain by addressing inflammation. With the opioid epidemic raging it is as important as ever to try alternate treatments besides painkillers which can lead to addiction.
Unlike other drugs, these are made in a lab by doctors which can make the drugs more potent than anything on the black market. Animals like that of dogs have also seen immense benefits in terms of reducing joint pain.
Dogs that experience joint pain which has limited their activity have seen huge improvements through the supplementation of CBD into their daily routine. With CBD being federally legal to possess the studies on this chemical compound are only going to reveal more uses for it. There was limited research done in the past due to the illegality of the compound due to it being an extract derived from cannabis which was federally illegal.
CBD can be used in a variety of ways including ingestion, topically applied, smoked/vaped, or used via a tincture. Take the time to do research on the different brands offering CBD as some are selling for the money while others want to provide quality products.
Lab tests are a great way to differentiate the brands as companies willing to provide these results are trying to be transparent which is a good sign.
The basics of MCT

MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, meaning chemically, it’s comprised of saturated fatty acid molecules. Also, contrary to the name, these acids help burn fat instead of depositing it.
It’s derived from coconut oil and palm oil and is usually combined with other oils to maximize their therapeutic effects, notably CBD oil. As such, it’s completely organic, and generally free of any additives, but make sure to check the label on the product.
Because of its chemical structure of fatty acids, it’s very easily absorbed into the body. Hence it has become known as a dietary and nutritional supplement. There are coffees that include MCT oil as it can provide that extra kick of energy when paired with caffeine.
What is it used for?
It’s particularly prominent in the weight loss industry, where MCT oil is a staple supplement to Ketogenic diets. This is because of its fat content that can instantly be converted to raw energy as soon as it’s metabolized while maintaining low carb intake, a core tenet of Keto diets.
This instant energy boost is especially helpful as power for your brain, making you wakeful and alert, while also speeding up your metabolism to help burn fat. Plenty of supplements used to help with the Keto diet contain MCT due to its versatility and properties that support good digestion/energy/metabolism.
The energy boost also helps you experience better digestion, balance your hormone levels, have more energy, and strengthen your immune system. If you are a workaholic, a busy student, or like to work out regularly, give MCT oil a try.
CBD + MCT Tinctures – Best of both worlds

You will often find MCT and CBD oils together on tincture product labels, as MCT is an excellent carrier oil to amplify the CBD content. A carrier oil basically serves as a catalyst in metabolism, making our bodies absorb the CBD more effectively for faster and more powerful effects.
This interaction is often called bioavailability – the improved ability to absorb and utilize the nutrients, so keep an eye out for this buzzword while browsing the product of your favorite brand.
The combination isn’t only based on chemistry.
When paired up, CBD with MCT oil will cover all of your bases when it comes to both physical and mental wellbeing. CBD will help alleviate stress and relax your muscles, while MCT gives you an energy boost to go through with your day.
Also, some CBD users feel hungry after ingesting it, meaning it can open up your appetite depending on your metabolism, but MCT is there to compensate. It shuts down hunger, helping you burn fat deposits instead of ingesting empty calories to feel full.
Are there any side effects?
With tincture oils, it’s essential to test your belly by taking a small amount initially, to avoid possible irritation. After trying a lower dose, if you experienced no discomfort or nausea, you shouldn’t experience any other side effects at all, just dose responsibly.
We hope you learned something new about MCT. If you feel it would fit your lifestyle, give it a go. It’s completely organic and healthy, you’ve got nothing to lose.
TheHighNote dispensary features a wide selection of CBD/THC tinctures. Their budtenders are very hands-on and help customers select the best option for their needs