Insomnia affects nearly 35-40% of the global adult population. According to a government report, more than one-third of insomnia patients transition into chronic cases. Did you know that the most common risk factors for this sleeping disorder include depression, anxiety, improper sleep schedule, and others? Of these, stress is recognized as the root cause of most cases.
In the United States, over 70 million people suffer from a sleep disorder. While 30% of Americans have acute symptoms, nearly 10% show severe symptoms. Various sleep-inducing medications and cognitive behavioral therapies are considered possible treatments.
In this context, if you wonder if Cannabis intake causes insomnia, this guide has covered you. Cannabinoids have been used for numerous purposes, including inducing sleep for years, and are recognized as an effective cure for the disorder. People now regard Cannabis as an alternative to other therapies. Besides, it has also been proven to treat psychiatric issues, such as depression and anxiety.
Read below this comprehensive guide to find out if Cannabinoids are responsible for causing insomnia and other related things. You can also visit this website to get a complete understanding of the potential effects of Cannabinoids on the brain.
Understanding The Relationship Between Cannabinoids And Insomnia

Insomnia is among the most common sleep disorders frequently occurring in the adult population worldwide. As stated above, over 70 million Americans suffer from this health concern. The most common factors behind its development are depression, stress, anxiety, medications, and poor sleep cycle. Besides, any long-term illness may also result in the occurrence of such an issue. In essence, insomnia is primarily regarded as a mental condition that may last for months or years.
The potential effects of this condition include difficulty falling asleep, lack of concentration, headache, or depression. Cannabis has significantly been proven to treat the symptoms effectively and has been used for ages to cure the condition. While people consider Cannabis to show adverse effects, it shows potential possible outcomes, especially for sleep disorders.
How Does Cannabis Help In Treating Insomnia?

A compound called Cannabinoid THC is present in Cannabis, also known as Marijuana. Further, the plant of Cannabis consists of over 120 cannabinoid compounds, primarily consisting of cannabinol, CBD, d-9-THC, and d-8-THC. Though Cannabis is not legalized in many nations, doctors in the United States prescribe it for many conditions, such as glaucoma or chronic pain. It is also used in cases of loss of appetite. Besides, CBD is known for its sleep-inducing and calming effects.
Tetrahydrocannabinol found in the plant is recognized as a sedative and has sleep-inducing properties to improve a patient’s sleep. Besides, the components are also known for calming down chronic pain conditions. CBDs work by relieving the symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety and calming down your mind.
Cannabinoids help improve your overall sleep cycle by preventing daytime tiredness and making you fall asleep faster during the night time.
Can Cannabinoids Hamper Your Sleep Schedule?

According to several research studies conducted by researchers from around the world, people consuming Marijuana are likely to be at a higher risk of facing sleep disorders. Though Marijuana is used for numerous medicinal purposes, such as pain, inflammation, glaucoma, or loss of appetite, taking an excessive dose may expose you to a potential risk of developing such sleeping conditions.
However, with proper consultation from medical professionals, one could determine the accurate dose at which CBDs must be taken for medicinal purposes. In alternate conditions, the CBD components may hamper your ability to fall asleep and may induce feelings of tiredness throughout your day.
In fact, if Marijuana is taken in the right proportions, it can assist in elevating your mood, maintaining a proper wake cycle, and eradicating drowsiness. In turn, it will improve your overall mental well-being and health. In normal circumstances and in the right dosage, Marijuana is helpful in treating insomnia.
Also, in cases of premature CBD dosing, one could develop certain chronic conditions. These include sleeplessness, daytime lethargy, and drowsiness even after a night of proper sleep. Moreover, if a person begins CBD dosing before age 15, he/she may have a higher risk of developing sleep conditions upon becoming an adult.
Why Is It Important To Consult A Doctor?

If you are facing specific adverse outcomes due to CBD dosing, you must consider an experienced doctor soon. Though Marijuana is recognized for relieving insomnia symptoms, it can also have specific ill effects on patients, which may be cured by the detoxification process. Since the working of all treatments varies from person to person, the results of CBDs are no different. Hence, it is essential to determine what works best for you or if it poses any risk to your health.
Furthermore, CBDs are a short-term cure for insomnia that can help relieve the symptoms for a short period. However, it must be noted that the long-term effects of sleep disorders can only be reduced by practicing proper sleep hygiene. Also, one should work on maintaining good mental health to overcome issues like depression and stress.
Moreover, opting for proper relaxation techniques is known to benefit insomnia patients in the long run. Meditation, cognitive behavioral therapies, and exercise are also identified as practical solutions for curing sleep disorders. Your doctor may also suggest certain medications and lifestyle changes treat the condition’s root causes.
Final Thoughts
After the legalization of Cannabinoids in certain developed nations, such as the United States, it has gained significant importance in the pharmaceutical industry. Marijuana is nowadays being used for both recreational and medicinal usage. While it still has a negative conception in society, there is no proven evidence that insomnia, a common sleep disorder, can be caused by cannabinoids.
However, there is a very thin line between the right and overdosage of CBDs. Therefore, recommendations from an experienced doctor must always be preferred over self-recommendations. With the correct CBD dosage, patients could relieve even chronic pain or inflammation. Besides, it can also help treat depression and anxiety by keeping your spirits high under natural conditions.