With the CBD (cannabidiol) market opening a lot of doors for manufacturers and retailers since the Farm Bill of 2018, CBD usage is at an all-time high. Why?
As of 2024, CBD is now legal in all 50 states of the USA to some degree. Many individuals purchase CBD products to reach homeostasis and amplify the effects of our natural endocannabinoid system (ECS). While CBD itself can’t currently be stated to be an effective medical solution, research shows that there could be significant positive side effects for taking CBD.
There are now a variety of ways to consume CBD, with new products coming out all the time. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that all of these products are worth your time or money. In fact, many products don’t do much for you at all since the concentration of CBD is so low when it comes to affordability.
In this article, you’ll find some useful tips on how to use CBD products for the benefits you may be searching for. It’s no fun to be purchasing “high-quality” products that aren’t going to do much for you. If you would like to purchase CBD oil, head over to Peace River CBD for the best prices for the highest-quality CBD.
1. Know What You’re Buying

When it comes to CBD products, you have to ensure that you know what you’re buying. Hemp doesn’t mean CBD. While CBD is extracted from industrial hemp plants, these products can often be confused with hemp oil, which doesn’t hold the same therapeutic properties as cannabidiol.
Cannabidiol itself is a phytocannabinoid found within hemp. So, they aren’t the same.
When buying CBD, look for the following:
- Ensure it’s CBD
- Look for the terms: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate
- Make sure you do the calculations for milligrams to serving size as lower milligrams don’t work for everyone
- Look for a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) for your product’s manufactured date for accurate lab testings as this will prove the quality of the product
2. Find the Product That Works for You

Not all CBD products are the same nor do they have the same effects. As stated above, be on the lookout for full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. Each contains a different quantity of CBD oil with a mixture of other ingredients.
Full-spectrum contains up to 0.3% of THC (the psychoactive drug that causes the sought-after high) and is used to amplify the receptors that make up the ECS. Broad-spectrum contains 0.0% THC and is also used for aiding the ECS. However, since there are undetectable levels of THC, it’s better for employees during drug tests that are used for detecting THC. CBD isolate is just CBD and doesn’t cause the entourage effect that comes from the other spectrum types.
On top of looking for these three types of CBD oil, find the product that absorbs more efficiently. For instance, gummies and edibles don’t absorb quickly. After you chew and swallow them, they reach the gut. It is here when the gut breaks down the different ingredients to absorb that small portion of CBD oil. This can take a while.
Instead, using something like a tincture oil is much quicker and enters the bloodstream faster to experience the entourage effect.
3. Start With a Smaller Dosage

Some people think that taking more means gaining more. Unfortunately, that just isn’t the case. If you’re new to using CBD, a small dosage can actually go a long way depending on your body’s weight and tolerance. That doesn’t mean you need to stick with a smaller dosage, just that it’s a better start.
Seeing as though CBD is typically so expensive, it’s best if you ration your servings. If you feel as though you’re benefiting from CBD oil with 10mg per serving, then stick with it. If 10mg just isn’t enough, boost your portion or take it multiple times per day (1-2).
4. Use it Everyday

When taking CBD oil, don’t take it “as necessary”. The point of CBD is to aid your body’s receptors by opening your endocannabinoid system to phytocannabinoids (plant-based cannabinoids like CBD). This, in turn, amplifies the effects of our natural cannabinoids that lead to homeostasis.
If you’re taking CBD when you feel that it’s “necessary”, that defeats the purpose. Instead, take it on a regular basis. For some people, taking it once or even for a week doesn’t work. You have to consistently be using CBD oil to experience the full effects. Even when you stop taking it for a short period of time, the previous ailments that started you on this journey could afflict you again.
5. Be Careful About What You Combine with CBD

It’s always recommended to see your physician if you are currently taking medications and want to start using CBD. While it may not have any negative effects at all, knowing how CBD and your medication may work in tandem will better prepare you.
If your body’s receptors are being blocked by a medication, it could be for a reason. CBD amplifies your body’s receptors, opening them to feed information to the whole body. So, be sure you’re prepared by understanding what your medication will do to/for your body when you take CBD oil.
Stay Informed on CBD
It’s vital to educate yourself on any product you choose to incorporate into your everyday life. If you make the decision to try CBD, be sure to do your research. After all, it is a relatively new industry and we still have much to learn about how this plant compound affects the body.
Be sure to find a company and a product your needs align with and always confirm that what your purchasing is truly CBD. Not all manufacturers are made equally. Take care in comparing different options before making a decision.
When you do decide on a product, double-check to be sure CBD won’t interfere with any medications you take. Ease into your regiment and start with a smaller dose. You’ll see the best results if you take CBD daily so be sure to stay consistent. If you take all of these considerations into account, adding CBD into your life will hopefully prove to be well worth it.