We need to correct ourselves here and make a clear statement that drinks that are made from cannabis have been produced for a long time and that the production is flourishing. On the other hand, the vast majority of people connect cannabis with smoking it. Some people tend to vaporize it or even to use it in cooking and thus eat it. Not many of them have the notion of actually drinking a beverage made of cannabis or having cannabis in it.
Beverage Trade Network

Luckily for many cannabis enthusiasts, the traditional notions of using cannabis in smoking and eating have been upgraded into even drinking it. This was seen during the 1st Cannabis Drink Expo that was organized by Beverage Trade Network in San Francisco in 2018. The primary purpose of the event was the promotion and discussion of the drinks that are based on cannabis. Also, there was a lot of talking about the business side of doing this business and the incomes it may make. For example, there is the expectation that 1.4 billion USD would be available in cannabis drinks trade by 2024. The estimation was done by Zenith Global which also gave the data that the revenue from selling cannabis drinks in 2018 was 89 million USD.
THC in drinks

It should be noted that it has now become a practice and it is not uncommon at all for the beverage producers to use CBD and THC in the production of various drinks. The array of the drinks where these are used goes from ta, soda and cider all up to different wine and margarita types. The percentage of doses in these are various and they may go from 2.5mg of THC and go even up to 100mg of THC per package. It should also be mentioned that there is a winery called Rebel Coast Winery that offers a wine that does not have any alcohol in it, but it has 5mg of THC. Furthermore, a company called MJ Wines has been using cannabis in its energy drink and wine for a long time. They are even working on a kind of beer having hemp in it. There is also an interesting data about a company called Recess which succeeded in raising even 3 million USD and it sells sparkling water that has hemp extract. There are even fruit juices made by a company called California Dreamin’ and they have 10mg of THC.
Health & Wellness

There is an exciting fact when cannabis-related drinks are concerned and it is the fact that many of the manufacturers and producers are simply trying to position and present themselves as belonging to the health and wellness category. The vast majority of the products is aimed at all those who want to have more energy while practicing or need to stay more focused and awake at night. There is a company called Mood33 which uses 10mg of THC in its product. It also uses a lot of other herbs, flowers and even fruits. The biggest surprise was when a brand like Heineken decided to launch a drink that would have THC and various herbs, but that would have no alcohol. The drink was sparkling water with the name Lagunitas Hi-Fi Hops. One of the bottles that have the highest percentage of CBD is surely Marley+CBD Mellow Mood, which has 25mg of CBD, and a company called New Age Beverage produces it.
Coca Cola

Even the largest giants have recognized the potentials for profits when the usage of THC and CBD drinks is concerned. Coca Cola was not an exception at all since there have been various rumors that this company is examining the potentials of the usage of THC and CBD in the production of its products. The reason why they did not produce any drinks, despite the fact they wanted to, is the fact that cannabis is prohibited in the USA and it is present on Schedule 1 drug list.
The taste

Many people do not like these kinds of drinks because they do not have the best taste ever. The taste is sometimes even described as being unusual and the usage of this plant in the production of juices would not bring much of a profit.