We gathered a couple of people in their 20s that will tell us a bit about things they’ve tried to help them get trippy, that is legal!
“The high is more of a brief feeling of numbness and a rise in heart rate that makes you lose your mind’s hold over things for a moment, and just laugh uncontrollably.”
Keep reading to hear about some of the trippy experiences these individuals decided to share with us.

“I was studying at a boarding school in Kota where accessing psychedelics was difficult, so my friend suggested I try Fevibond. We squeezed two bottles into empty packets of chips and huffed with short, pacy breaths. The high, which began with a whirring blender-like sound, was too much for me to handle and made me totally lose all sense of control. It even had mild hallucinatory effects. It left behind weird crispiness between my teeth, bad memories, and a lesson in what not to do.” — Sagar D, 22, who works as an organic farmer.
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds

“These seeds are known to contain a component called LSA. It’s acid’s baby brother. I discovered it while on a trip to Hampi last year when a fisherman, whose boat I had hired, offered me 10 seeds for ₹200. After spending the first two hours of the trip convinced I had been duped, a state of pure pleasantness gradually kicked in while we were in the midst of riding through a hilly landscape. It felt like the fields of bamboos were changing into lush forests, and I could look 20 feet deep into the surrounding mines. I fell down a rabbit hole of introspective thoughts about life and the human psyche as if I could access every ounce of understanding connected to the world. It was like a vivid dream where images in my head superseded reality. It helped me escape all ego and boosted my confidence.” — Tanishq Bhardwaj, 21, entrepreneur

“This is available at any pet store as a dried herb that you can smoke by rolling into joints like weed or through a small pipe. Although its cool, minty taste irritates the throat, it gives you a mellow, peaceful high, almost as if in a meditative state that helps you understand the depths of your mind.” — Raj Tripathi, 25, physiotherapist
Cough syrup

“I have chugged this everywhere: from class to the movies. It’s cheap and no one really stops you for carrying a Benadryl bottle around. It tastes sweet, doesn’t do much harm to your lungs or liver, and gives you this comforting woozy high with a blank state of mind.” — Aishwarya Sharma, 21, student
Laughing gas

“The high is more of a brief feeling of numbness and a rise in heart rate that makes you lose your mind’s hold over things for a moment, and just laugh uncontrollably. The best way to do it is by filling a balloon with the gas and then deflating it while making sure to inhale more than you exhale. It’s super easy to do anywhere, especially in India, and all you need is a whipped cream canister that is available online. Though I prefer doing it at house parties, I once even did it in a car on the way to the airport because I had run out of weed.” — Sneha Pasricha, 23, student
Sniffing Whitener

“Back in college, my friends and I tried it to find out what the hype was all about. We filled the whitener in a black polythene bag, covered our mouths with it, and kept inhaling the petrol-like smell. Once it hit us, we tripped on cartoons like Tom & Jerry and lost all sense of time. The next day, my friend genuinely thought the whole experience was just a weird dream.” — Neha Joshi, 26, pastry chef
Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.
Keep in mind these stories are only for informational purposes, and we are in no way suggesting the use of any illegal drugs.