The Cannabis Flower is gaining a lot of attention in the past few years, with 2024 being the year where experts predict an even larger growth in popularity and legalization.
Marijuana has the potential to become the best form of natural medicine, and numerous businesses are already focusing on delivering high-quality CBD products for people who can greatly improve their life quality by consuming them.
In some places, Cannabis is used purely for relaxation purposes, for fun, and some people just want to see what all the fuss is about. However, ancient civilizations used this herb to heal many sicknesses and conditions that hurt their lives, and people slowly realize the benefits of using the power of Marijuana in the form of medicine in these modern times.
In countries where Cannabis is legalized, the best way to have it without regularly spending money in the nearest coffee shop is to grow it yourself, but that’s slightly more complicated than what it sounds at first.
Luckily, we are going to explain everything that you need to know, step by step, so if you are a growth enthusiast and you are looking to learn how to do this on your own, we advise you to stick with us until the end of this article. Here’s what you need to know.
Step 1 – Finding a Growth Location

Cannabis is a plant that requires a lot of delicate work and circumstances that are specifically created for growth purposes, meaning that you will have to make sure everything is just right for the plant to grow as it should.
The first step obviously, would be to find a growth spot where you can dedicate the entire place specifically for this.
Now, this place needs to be large enough depending on how much you are planning to grow, so if you are not starting with some very large quantities, you can use even a single spare closet or a garage for a beginning.
Remember that this place has to be yours because you might be required to make some modifications and customizations to it, such as adding lights and watering systems, depending on how “automated’ you want the entire process to be.
Step 2 – Equipment

Throwing a few seeds in the soil and exposing them to the sun rays every once in a while is not going to work when it comes to growing cannabis. This plant is somewhat demanding, and you will have to get your hands on special equipment if you want the growth to be successful. Although the sun can be useful, you still need to decide on purchasing growth lights or using the more natural method before you start with your planning, because those two scenarios require a different approach.
Growth lights can be found in almost any store where you can purchase seeds and other similar types of products, and when it comes to buying them, don’t try to save up on the investment because they are a really important part of growing, and they’ll have a huge impact on the final result.
Step 3 – Choosing your strain

As we all know already, there are numerous different Marijuana strains that you can find on the market, and all of them have a different psychoactive or medical effect. Some are better for relaxation, others make you feel energized, and some make you so giggly that you’ll laugh at almost every little thing somebody in the room says.
Depending on what you want and what you need, you will have to choose the strain that you’d like to grow, or if you are a professional, you can create your strain, but that’s a bit more difficult.
So when you are starting to grow cannabis you will notice immediately that there are both expensive and cheap cannabis seeds available to buy, says .
Step 4 – The type of Soil

There are many different types of soils that you can find on the market, and all of them have different wagering requirements and other things that you’ll have to pay close attention to. The regular organic composted soil is probably going to be the easiest, compared to other solutions such as hydroponics or soilless mixes, so if you are a complete beginner, we recommend that one for a start.
As you grow, you will learn new things, and with time, you will acquire enough knowledge to make your soil, which is probably the best way to go with if you want to develop your strain as well and become a recognized grower.
Step 5 – Grab required Nutrients

Just like the human body needs nutrients to function properly, the same thing goes for the Marijuana plant. You need to constantly supplement the soil with nutrients that keep the plants healthy and promote growth, so make sure that you grab a lot of these from the nearest shop.
Talk with the person working there and they will be more than glad to help you figure out exactly what you need, depending on the strain you’re growing and the type of soil you’re using.
Final Step – Basics of Growing

We assume that you are going to try and collect as much useful information as possible about growing plants in general because that’s going to help you a lot in the long-run. However, we are still going to provide you with the most basic tips when it comes to grow both indoors and outdoors. Let’s take a look.
When you are growing inside your home (indoors), you should provide your plants about eighteen to twenty-two hours of light every single day, while they are in the vegetative stage.
If you are growing outside of your home (outdoors), make sure that you place your plants somewhere where they can get direct light from the sun, and try to keep them away from any shade that might block it.
When it comes to outdoor growth and the sun rays, you should try to keep your plants exposed to the light from about nine AM in the morning up until the sun finally sets.