What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has proven to provide a variety of benefits for people, especially since the mass legalization of CBD throughout the years, it being presently legal in all 50 states of the United States of America to some degree. 

CBD is a chemical compound that is found in and may be extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant, which is more commonly known as marijuana. Unlike its so-called cousin, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the major active ingredient in marijuana that recreational enthusiasts generally look for, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects. 

Since its legalization, www.health.com has called CBD the buzzy wellness product of the moment, with it being almost ubiquitous. CBD has been present in coffee shops selling lattes, spas offering facials, and beauty companies selling lotions with CBD in their formulas. The market offers a vast variety of options, it may come in the form of oils, gummies, or tinctures, to cater to every personal preference. 

What are CBD’s Benefits?

The non-psychoactive nature of CBD has made it an appealing option for people who are looking for pain relief without the mind-altering effects of marijuana or other pharmaceutical drugs. Some of its other benefits as provided by www.healthline.com are reduction of anxiety and depression, alleviation of cancer-related symptoms, reduction of acne, and improvement of heart health, along with a flurry of other potential benefits. 

Can I use CBD for my Pets?

img source: unsplash.com

It has been established that CBD is indeed beneficial for the treatment of health issues among us humans. What can it do for our pets though? Can they also reap some health benefits from CBD? 

Some human health issues that are addressed by CBD such as anxiety and depression have also been documented in dogs. Whether this means that it can also treat these ailments in pets has not been formally established yet through research, in the same way that there is currently very limited research regarding CBD overall. 

There has however been a finding that like people, dogs also have an endocannabinoid system, the biological system that is affected by the infusion of CBD in our bodies. Research has also shown that Cannabidiol has a better safety profile than NSAIDs and opioids. Does this mean that it’s safe for our pets?

Again, research is very limited on the topic, but so far, it has been found that CBD has been safe for consumption for our pets. It also has very few known side effects for both humans and animals alike. 

Benefits of CBD for Pets

Img source: petfoodprocessing.net

Despite the scarcity of formal studies regarding the use of CBD for pets, many holistic veterinarians and pet owners believe that CBD has been proven to be useful in certain situations with their pets, particularly with dogs and cats. You can learn more about this by visiting cbdcentral.com.

CBD oil can be used to treat arthritis, asthma, chronic infections, skin problems, different types of pain, immune system disorders, and appetite disorder. It has also been found that epileptic pets may have fewer or at least more controlled seizures when they are administered CBD on a regular basis. There are also pet owners who believe that CBD may be used as a natural alternative for anxiety relief. Cats and dogs that suffer from anxiety disorders or occasional anxiety attacks, such as when there are fireworks outside or during thunderstorms, have been seen to act calmer due to the anxiety-relieving and relaxing effects of CBD.

Consult Your Vet

Img source: enecta.com

If you’re looking to buy CBD for your pet, it’s always good to ask for advice from the vet first. A gentle reminder though, it would be better to ask from an open-minded veterinarian who is aware of the benefits of CBD and its possible side effects. It would not be surprising to find a vet who is against the use of cannabis on pets, as they may not be updated yet on the latest research and anecdotes that show the promising results of administering CBD to pets. Vets however are prohibited from recommending CBD, so your conversation with your vet would likely be limited to weighing the possible pros and cons of giving CBD to your pet. 

Where Should I Buy CBD?

It’s important to make sure that the products you buy are sold by reputable companies. Try looking for companies with good reviews online and those that get third-party testing done on their products. Some companies make products that are specifically designed for our pets, so it would be highly recommended to buy CBD that’s really meant for your pet rather than sharing your personal stock with them. CBD products for pets generally come in the form of oils but you can also find other treats that would perhaps be easier to give to your pets. 

How Do I Give CBD to my Pet?

Img source: pixabay.com

When giving your pet CBD oil, there unfortunately isn’t a standard answer, at least not yet, as to how much you should administer. It is regarded as the general rule however to start low and see where things go from there. Www.emotionalpetsupport.com says that a single dosage of 0.25 mg per day is generally a good place to start. Try adding it to your pet’s food so intake would be simpler. It’s important that you consistently monitor how your pet responds to the dosage so that you would know whether or not you need to alter the dosage level. Also, when altering the dosage level, it should be done in small increments. 

It must also be emphasized that the CBD product should contain very little to no THC, so that your pet will not get high. THC, especially in high doses, has been found to be dangerous for pets. It’s also important that CBD is not mixed with certain medications as it might put your pet in danger.

You should also take into account how large your pet is and how much they weigh when trying to determine how much CBD you should give them. Lastly, remember that what you’re doing should be what’s in their best interest. Make sure to keep a close watch on them and make proper adjustments only when necessary.