CBD has become very popular recently and almost every day there are new CBD companies on the market. Many people are advocating that CBD has changed their life and that it has a lot of health benefits. You certainly know someone who is using and or maybe you are.
Something that is incredibly popular is CBD Edibles, or Gummies because they are easy to use, they are delicious and they are super cute. Because many companies make these kinds of gummies we made a list of the best ones out there.
But first, what is CBD?

If you have been living under a rock for the past few years and don’t know what CBD is, we are going to introduce you to it. CBD is a chemical compound from the cannabinoid family that naturally occurs in the cannabis plant. Another cannabinoid that occurs in the cannabis plant is THC, and the main reason between these two is that you don’t get high from CBD.
CBD is unique because it can help you with many health problems, it can give you relief from anxiety, chronic pain, epilepsy. It can help you sleep better if you are having problems with insomnia or other sleep disorders.
It is legal in all 50 states and the World Health Organization has classed it as non-addictive and safe for human use and consumption. Of course, if you have a specific medical condition or regimen you should talk to your doctor before using CBD or any other thing. This also goes if you are pregnant, breast-feeding or you are taking medication.
Gummies are the most fun way of using CBD, but you should be careful when buying them. There are some things that you should take into consideration, like if they are THC free, are they organic and natural and how high is the sugar content in them. Also, a very important thing to take into consideration is how the CBD is sourced and how much of it is in the gummy.
Here are the best four gummies out in the market:
1. Charlotte’s Web

One of the best and most amazing CBD gummies on the market are these, and they are even used to treat epilepsy.
But you don’t have to use it just for that. There are specially designed gummies for good sleep that also contain melatonin, improved recovery ones have anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric and ginger, and there are those for increased calmness (more details on this Charlotte’s Web review from AllBestCBDoil.com). The company uses natural ingredients, and they use real fruits and vegetables for the flavors, they don’t use any additives.
Their formulation contains lemon balm, L-theanine, whole hemp full spectrum extract, and more than 80 naturally occurring phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. There is 10 mg of CBD in these gummies and they are as tasty as they are powerful.
2. Lord Jones

If you are fancy and you would like to have some gourmet CBD gummies than these are perfect for you. They come in an interesting and pretty packaging and you can use them just as a decoration.
But of course, you are going to eat them, so it’s important how they taste also. And they taste incredible and they are made out of organic and premium Colorado-grown hemp. They are also made by hand so you can be sure that they are of the finest quality.
The best part is that they come in many tastes like sugarberry, blood orange, sugarplum & mango chili, old fashioned, blackcurrant, and green apple. You will enjoy their taste and you will show off their package to others. Each gummy has 20 mg of CBD which is enough for everyone’s taste.
3. Rilif.Life

Rilif.life gummies are one of the best gummies for pain relief. If you are suffering from chronic pain or you want to boost your recovery from training these gummies will help you. Every gummy contains 20 mg of CBD which is quite enough and each jar of Rilif.life Full Spectrum gummies come with 30 cool gummies.
This brand also has Softgels with wheatgrass, and each one has 30 mg CBD, MCT oil, and Wheat Grass Powder. What’s important is that the soft gel is vegan and made from Tapioca. These gummies are made in the U.S.A. and they are all-natural and made from high-quality ingredients.
4. Balance CBD

Balance CBD packages contain just ten gummies and they are available in two different strengths, 10 mg and 25 mg of CBD. These sweet treats are made with organic ingredients, with no artificial colors, there don’t contain preservatives and sweeteners, they are cruelty-free, gluten-free, allergen-free, they are vegan and of course, they are THC free.
The CDB that this company uses from U.S. Organic fruits and vegetable juices are used to create the flavor and colors. And the flavors are super interesting and fun, some of them are Orange Dreamsicle, Cotton Candy and Strawberry Fields.
These are our favorite brands and gummies that are the best in the market. You can choose to try any one of them and you won’t be disappointed.
5. A88CBD™

A88CBD™ CBD gummies are sweet and chewy bites that come in Strawberry Basil, Tart Cherry, and Lime Mango. These CBD gummies are a delicious way that allows you to enjoy the effects of CBD in easy-to-manage servings.
They are 100% vegan! Made with lab-tested, broad-spectrum hemp, these gummies are designed to help you feel your best and bring clarity to your day. Reach for these when your to-do list feels long and your body needs rest.
When buying any CBD product and especially edibles and gummies you should do your research and be sure of what you are buying. There are many companies out there and not all of them are good.
Some of them are using CDB that is not from the U.S. and there can be traces of pesticides, additives, or even THC. You don’t want to bring yourself into a situation where you are going to risk your health with risky products.
Always be sure that you are buying from a respected company and from a company that is U.S. based and uses natural and quality ingredients.
Once you find what best suits your needs you just need to relax and enjoy your tasty gummies.
One more thing you should know, gummies are also good for animals and also approved for use, so if you have a pet that has some difficulties with health due to some problems or age, you can give them CBD gummies.
To get additional information and learn more about CBD gummies, visit smile-cbd.co.uk.