Aromatherapy is a popular method of holistic treatment that makes use of natural plant extract to improve health and wellbeing. It makes use of aromatic essential oils, which could have a positive impact on physical and emotional health.
For you to get the best out of these essential oils, you will need a diffuser to help spread the molecules of the oil throughout the space. While the topical application is also familiar with aromatherapy, the most common way is to inhale it in with the help of these diffusers.
There are many types of diffusers available, and the portable versions are more popular since you can easily carry them around. Just in case you are wondering how to shop for the best portable essential oil diffuser, this simple shopping guide could offer a great deal of assistance.
Decide on the type

As you may already know, there are different types of diffusers around. And since you need a brand that you can easily travel with, you will need to search for the portable ones. The majority of brands available usually differ from one another based on how it is powered or charged. For some, you can easily fit it in your A/C plugin to power it up, while others run on battery power.
You can also find some available that you can plug into the cigarette lighter port in your car to power it. The downside to this kind of diffusers is that you will need to keep your car running to be able to use it. There are others that you can connect via your USB port on your computer, so you want to consider all the options available to you.
You should also be aware that there are different styles of oil diffusers available. There are the Nebulizing diffusers that make use of pressurized air to force the oil to the surface. The other types include ultrasonic, heat, and evaporative diffusers.
Decide on your budget
When shopping for a portable diffuser to help you relax, you want to have a price range in mind. The reason for this is simple. You don’t want to end up spending more than you can afford, which is why budgeting is highly essential. Some brands sell for as low as $10, while others require you to shell out a few hundred before you can own them.
Where do you intend to use it?

You also want to consider the environment you use your diffuser when shopping for one. Some brands are perfect for a bedroom space, while others could serve a large setting or even for outdoor purposes. Some brands can also work with different types of essential oil, while others may be best suited for a particular kind.
For smaller spaces like your car or enclosed room, a portable diffuser is preferable, since they do not overwhelm the entire area with the aroma. The much larger models are a better option if you are looking for one that can cover a large area. And this can include your workspace, balcony, or anywhere outside the house. But irrespective of which size you choose, you can always find the perfect relaxation spot to use your diffuser inside or outside the home.
Buy Quality
Once you already have a price range in mind; the next step is to ensure you settle for quality. And the only way you can do this is to buy from a reputable manufacturer. There are many brands available in the market, and the last time I checked, they were over a hundred of them.
If you decide to shop for one online, you want to keep your eyes peeled and look for information that suggests that the merchant is reliable. It would help if you looked out for sellers that offer secure payment options as well as a full list of their contact details. To know more about this, you can visit notable sites like
An excellent place to check if a merchant is reliable is to read the review section to hear what other customers are saying about their service. You can also ask from close friends and associates or take a peep in social media groups where they talk about essential oils and the best diffusers to use with them.
In summary

It can be quite challenging to settle for a particular brand of oil diffuser, given the multitude of available in the market. But for first-time shoppers who have not bought one before, it would be best to check online for reviews where they dissect through the pros and cons of some of the brands available. So you can easily come to a decision without much difficulty.