Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has been used for many years as the safest and most effective form of natural medicine. This is one of the most popular ingredients, or should we say Cannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant. You may have heard about its effects and uses before, but if you haven’t, we’ll make sure to cover everything you should know about it today.
There are currently a lot of ways to consume CBD, some being slightly more “interesting” than the others. A long time ago when people first discovered the healing potential of this ingredient, they used it as a part of their diet. But, they were also making Cannabis Oil, which is quite popular today.
However, the oil they had back then was effective but not nearly as studied and perfected compared to what we have today. In 2024 we have all the technology we need to make sure that what we’re consuming is safe, and has the exact amount of strength that we need.
It’s not an easy task choosing the right type of CBD Oil, especially not when you’re someone who uses it in a vape. Tastes can be different, strength is not always the same, and there are a bunch of other factors as well. Thankfully, we’re here to help you make the right decision, so let’s not waste any more time and jump straight into the content.
1. Hemplucid Tincture

This is a full-spectrum vape oil that is very potent and starts working very quickly after you consume it from your pen. It comes in a bottle of 1500mg which should be enough for a longer period. Of course, this will depend on your vaping habits.
It’s a high-quality product and is currently being sold quite frequently on the market. One of the “downsides” of this particular brand is the fact that it’s pure when it comes to flavor. It contains no extra smells or tastes, but some people prefer that.
2. CBDfx Vape Mix

From one of the well-known brands in the CBD Vape industry, this mix is flavored and it both smells and tastes fantastical. They currently sell it in many different flavors, but the Blue Raspberry variant happens to be the favorite of the masses. Don’t worry about getting a color tongue, this doesn’t happen with such top-notch products.
One thing that you should know is that this particular mix contains a bit of THC in the formula, although the manufacturers say that it’s non-detectable.
3. Highland Hemp Plus

Whenever somebody mentions a healthy-looking CBD Vape Oil Product, this is the first one that comes up on our mind. Hemp+ Vaporizer Oil is a full-spectrum product, so you should keep that in mind before purchasing. If you just want the CBD from your vaping bottles without any extra added ingredients, you should take a look at stayelevated, there are numerous products for you to choose from.
Now, if you do enjoy some full-spectrum formulas, try the strawberry version of the Highland Hemp, it’s unbelievably good. They don’t just make oils, but juices as well, so if that’s your thing, they have it ready for sale.
4. Palmetto Harmony Aura

Once you see the packaging of this product you’ll start to wonder whether you’re looking at a skin-care cosmetics product or a CBD Vaping Oil. In all seriousness, the designers of the bottle made a great job, but what’s even better is the product that’s inside of it.
Palmetto Harmony Aura is a full-spectrum product that comes in a bottle of thirty milliliters. The hemp used for it is organic and top-notch. There are a few extra ingredients that boost the quality and the flavor, but nothing harmful or greatly-processed. The great thing about this brand is that you can purchase a 15ml bottle if you want to see whether you like their products or not before making an actual transaction.
5. CBDMD Vape Mix Formula

A simple product for those who don’t want to overcomplicate things. If you want to load up your vape pen and just enjoy the day, this one is for you. It can be bought in many different flavors, although their vanilla one seems to be getting the most attention. Everything is natural and unprocessed, and there are no extra ingredients that can ruin your vaping experience.
It’s quite potent though, so be careful not to use too much of it if your body is not used to the consumption of CBD yet. However, it contains no THC, so you shouldn’t worry about that. The shipping is free, which in these tough times is highly appreciated.

Smaller bottles, but tons of potency. Compared to some other products on this list that shipped in 1500ml packages, this one comes in just 400mg, but do not underestimate it. You can either purchase their additive, which is used to enhance your already-favorite oil, or you can purchase their “standalone” oils.
Do not forget, these things are potent, and if you get the additive you should not use them on their own. Instead, mix with some other type of oil before vaping. A few extra ingredients are added in the formula, but nothing extraordinary, just things that make your vaping experience slightly better. ECODRIP is a partner with ECOSciences, which is a company that you may already know.
7. TryTheCBD Vaping Oil Formula

Last but not least, a reputable company named “Try the CBD” came up with their vaping oil product that contains no THC at all. You can use this product anywhere you want without worrying about getting into trouble. It provides no high at all, just the relaxation and health benefits from the Cannabidiol ingredient itself.
Currently, there are a few different flavors, one of them being ice-cream, and they’re all amazing. It’s an affordable vaping oil so we suggest that you give it a try if you’re up for experimenting and finding the right brand for you.
Vaping CBD is a great way to look classy and avoid getting into trouble. However, when it comes to choosing the right brand for you, things can get a bit messy. Currently, the entire world has a huge interest in CBD products, which means that you have a lot of different brands to choose from, and it’s not an easy task. Thankfully, we have some experience in this field, so we included our top recommendations for you in 2024. Stay safe and healthy.