Cannabis edibles have gained immense popularity in recent years, and the reasons are valid. Since it is legal in Canada, you can find them easily without much struggle. So you have access to immense variety in these products. The idea of relishing infused cookies, brownies, candies, chocolates, and gummies is alluring. Not to mention, they offer sustainable relief that lasts for hours after the first dose.
But this is also the reason for newbies being apprehensive about trying an edible for the first time. You may never be too sure about dosing, and it can get more complicated when you have to calculate amounts of CBD and THC per portion. However, just a little caution and a good understanding of edibles take you a long way with a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips on making your first experience the best one.

Have realistic expectations
Like any other form of cannabis, edibles too need some precautions when you try them for the first time. You cannot be too sure about how they may act on your system, even if you are regular with vaping or smoking. The experience may be too good, as you may have heard others sharing theirs’. Conversely, it could be only mediocre if you fail to follow the rules. Either way, you must take a realistic approach for the first time. There is nothing like one-size-fits-all for cannabis users, and it applies to edibles as well. Start without big expectations, and you will probably love it the first time.
Find the apt dosage
With cannabis, you have to be careful about dosing because a little can go a long way. Never go overboard just because you feel too enthusiastic as a beginner. The rule applies to all products, and edibles are not an exception. The ideal dosage for first-timers is 10-2 mg of the edible. If you buy a 50 mg bar, you will have to split it into five pieces to get the apt dose. Even better, stick with bite-sized products so that you need not worry about calculations. Dosage also depends on factors like your tolerance levels, gender, and body weight. You will probably know your tolerance level if you use cannabis in some other form. For absolute beginners, it is crucial to stick with the prescribed doses.

Start small and practice patience
With your first time with edibles, there are always chances you will have more rather than less. It is easy to go wrong with the calculations with products like cakes and cookies as you cannot divide them accurately. A little more or less can take you away from optimal dosing. Timing is another challenge you may have to deal with as a first-timer. The effects differ from smoking and ingesting because it takes time to set in. Most newbies go wrong with repeat dosing, thinking that they haven’t taken enough. Practice patience because edibles act slow and steady when it comes to seeping into your bloodstream. Wait for an hour or so, and you will feel the effects taking you over.
Always stick with quality products
Nothing matters more than quality when you try cannabis, first time or any time. It is applicable to all products, including edibles. Saving a small amount may be on top of your mind, but the last thing you should do is skimp on quality. The truth is that it becomes even more important during your first experience. Quality determines the safety and affects the overall outcomes as well. Make sure that you stick with quality products only from a legit seller. You can explore to find the right option. Do not just go after the face value of the edibles because they often look tempting. Read reviews to get a fair idea about the quality of products and the credibility of the seller before sealing the deal.

Go the extra mile with hydration
Another helpful piece of advice for a beginner with edibles is to load up on water because hydration affects the end results. It prevents the dry mouth symptom that often follows a session. Moreover, good hydration speeds up the digestion process. Cannabis edibles can cause dehydration, so make sure you have plenty of water before and during the session. Have a bottle at hand so that you can hydrate effortlessly. Also, do not have it on an empty stomach as it tends to hit quicker and harder. Ideally, you should have a high-carbohydrate meal before the session to have an optimal experience.
Have a seasoned user around
You may already have experience with other forms of cannabis consumption, but edibles make a different ball game. The first time will be different from what you expect, even if you have heard dozens of stories about the slow kick and more. You cannot be too prepared as a beginner, so you must seek help as a newbie. It makes sense to have a seasoned edible user around for the first experience. They can guide you about the dosage and timing of repeat sessions, ensuring safety throughout. You can ask questions and clarify doubts, which makes you more confident about going ahead with your first stint.

Choose a comfortable space
Cannabis can be unpredictable, even more, when you try an edible for the first time. Experts suggest that you must choose a comfortable space for your first experience. The best place for it is your home, though you can plan a session at your friend’s place as well. Have familiar people around and create a set and setting you enjoy. A gaming session or movie night with friends is a good idea. Stay indoors after a session and avoid driving because it can get you into trouble with the authorities.
As a newbie with edibles, you deserve the best first experience so that you feel enthusiastic about the next. Safety should also be on top of your mind every time you try a new product. Follow these tips, and you can nail both fronts.